Katherine is ready to face a new era of banking
Katherine re-joined the bank last year and found a workplace that was rapidly adapting to the global pandemic - but also a business that was anticipating a new digital era of banking.
After many years with Deutsche Bank you took a break - where did you go?
I was with the bank for 15 years until 2018, holding the position of North Asia COO for Wealth Management. In 2018, I joined another bank as the Head of Client Services and Change Management under their Private Bank and Wealth Management divisions in North Asia.
What enticed you back to Deutsche Bank?
I had a long history with the bank and a very strong bond with the teams here. I was made aware of an opportunity to join the International Private Bank in the newly established Agile Community, a platform to participate in exciting transformation projects for the business. I recognised that the bank was investing in a major paradigm shift in digitization globally, which led me to take up a role as the Global Tribe Lead for Sales Enablement in Agile Transformation.
More recently, I took on the role as Business Development Partner for North Asia Wealth Management, with the aim to increase penetration in the Greater China market and focus on building new business initiatives and projects for the region. The bank has a strategic focus on innovation and expansion and it’s the perfect place for me to pursue new challenges and make a big contribution.
What surprised you most about outside perceptions of Deutsche Bank?
The bank has been through a difficult period but its reputation for integrity, product delivery and client solutions has never been compromised. When I worked outside the bank and networked with my industry peers, they continually reference Deutsche Bank as a major competitor due to our leading position in deal coverage, product capabilities and talent.
What have you noticed that’s different now from when you were last here?
These two years have been particularly difficult due to the extraordinary circumstances we find ourselves in. In the first year of re-joining, I worked remotely 90% of the time but always remained extremely impressed with the resilience and dedication of my colleagues across the world. The sense of community and level of resilience has highlighted to me the loyalty and pride for the organisation amongst our employees. The macro circumstances have put a real test on all of us and I’m so glad to see the strength of everyone at Deutsche Bank shine through.
With a fresh perspective on the organisation, what excites you most about the opportunity ahead in your current role?
The wealth management industry has been undergoing tremendous changes in the past few years, be it in the aspects of client servicing model, segmentation, pricing, product offerings, and operational effectiveness. As a major player in the market, we must work hard to remain competitive, increasing our market share through continuous client acquisition and deepening our market penetration. I’m looking forward to expanding the business horizon for Wealth Management and I’m excited for the new waves in the market in the post-pandemic era.